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SuSanA News February 2019

SuSanA News   2019-02
SuSanA News, February 2019
Dear SuSanA enthusiasts,

In this edition of the SuSanA News, we have latest updates on the upcoming events within the SuSanA network!

With the start of a brand new year, the 27th SuSanA meeting was planned in conjunction with the upcoming joint conferences - AfricaSan5 and FSM5 in Cape Town, South Africa. The meeting is jointly organised by the Water Research Commission (WRC) and the SuSanA Secretariat. Our global community can join us remotely in the discussions from any corner through the live stream on YouTube and Facebook. Subscribe to the SuSanA YouTube Channel or Facebook page - and do not forget to tweet your views using #susana27.

If you are at the joint FSM5 - AfricaSan5 conference, do drop by the SuSanA booth at the venue.

Enjoy exploring and have a great week!

Arne, Doreen, Franziska, Shobana, Paula und Magdalena
from the SuSanA Secretariat
27th SuSanA meeting and Working Group meetings
The 27th SuSanA meeting will take place in Cape Town, South Africa on 16 February 2019 prior to the AfricaSan5 and FSM5. The meeting will be jointly organised by the Water Research Commission (WRC) and the SuSanA Secretariat.

This SuSanA meeting will lay emphasis on the following topics within the sessions: Overview of recent developments, policy and regulation, digital approaches and monitoring, different thematic discussions in a Sanitation World Café as well as SuSanA Regional Chapter development.

In addition, Working Groups 1, 6, and 7 will gather during the conference week!
Two conferences, one city
AfricaSan5 and FSM5
The FSM5 conference has joined forces with the African Minister’s Council on Water (AMCOW) to co-convene with the AfricaSan 5 conference. Through this partnership, conference attendees will have access to a unique synergistic program that combines the political will of AfricaSan along with the technical, practical, and academic expertise of the FSM Conference. Both the FSM5 and AfricaSan5 conference will take place this February, in Cape Town, South Africa. Follow @FSM5_Capetown and use #FSM5 on all your tweets.
Achieving universal access to WASH in Schools with innovative M&E - in Africa and beyond
Session hosted by JMP, GIZ and SuSanA followed by a WG7 Lunch Meeting @AfricaSan
On Wednesday (20th Feb), JMP, GIZ and SuSanA are hosting a session on Monitoring and Using Evidence to Improve Hygiene and Sanitation at the AfricaSan in room 1.6 at the CTI Convention Centre, Cape Town. Directly after, the Working Group 7 ‘WASH in Institutions and Gender Equality’ will host a meeting at the Southern Sun – The Cullinan Hotel, just across the street from the conference venue. After having enjoyed lunch buffet and refreshments together, we will have time to discuss the key-take-away results from the session, the latest developments in our work, as well as priorities and planned activities.
The launch of SuSanA Latinoamérica
LatinoSan 2019 - Costa Rica
In April, the SuSanA Latin America Chapter will be launched in a side event of LatinoSan 2019, which will be held in San José, Costa Rica.
SuSanA Latin America aims to build up the regional awareness regarding sanitation in general and more specifically, emphasizing the exchange of knowledge to ensure the implementation of best practices, promoting the inclusive access to sustainable services and by this, contribute to the achievement of the SDGs.
Encouraged Water and Sanitation Journalism
The West Asia and North Africa (WANA) Chapter
The West Asia and North Africa (WANA) Chapter is looking further to connect and engage with regional journalists who are interested in covering stories about SDG6 and sanitation challenges in the region. Five female journalists from Jordan and Lebanon have been chosen to take part in this first phase, to pen top stories from Lebanon and Jordan.
New reviewed SFD reports
11 new reports online
The SFD Promotion Initiative is happy to announce the recent publication of 11 reviewed SFD reports that bring insights into the sanitation situation in various cities. In India, SFD reports were produced for 9 cities including Bodhgaya, Bongaon, Buxar, Chunar, Gangaghat, Katihar, Ramnagar, Rishikesh, and Panchgani. Additionally, SFD reports were produced for Wa in Ghana, and Bilwi in Nicaragua.

More SFDs are under review and will be published soon, so stay tuned!
Producing SFDs made easy
New guidance items and templates available
Several interactive guidance tools, documents and templates were generated to serve as support in the process of creating SFDs. Additionally, an SFD Online Training is now online to make the production of an SFD easier. Developed by WEDC, the training is composed of 7 modules and aims to give a thorough introduction into SFDs. It offers easy to understand guidance through the steps of reading, understanding and preparing an SFD graphic and report.
LEAP Initiative
Learning and Peer Exchange Platform
Supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Athena Infonomics is developing a system that will facilitate the access, the contribution to and the learning from existing sources within the urban Faecal Sludge Management (FSM) in order to invest in “under-investigated” areas. The design of a global Learning and Peer Exchange Platform (LEAP) is a first step achieve this objective. LEAP will serve as an aggregator of evidence in urban FSM across existing knowledge repositories (like SuSanA), synthesizing insights on the kind of evidence that exists, and serving as a natural reference point to guide new research in the space. Athena is keen on working closely with the SuSanA community to understand user preferences for such a platform.
High Level Political Forum 2019
E-Consultation on SDGs under Review
The High Level Political Forum (HLPF) is one of the most significant event to review the SGDs of this year and will deal with goals 4, 8, 10, 13, 16, and 17. The purpose of the E-Consultation is to improve the availability of information to stakeholders and the participatory engagement on the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda implementation. A limited number of questions are proposed for each SDG under review, and major groups and other stakeholders are invited to contribute concise and straightforward inputs. You can contribute by participating in the E-Consultation, which will be accessible until the 22nd of February.
SuSanA’s Working Groups Updates
New lead for WG11
We are happy to introduce the new lead for the SuSanA Working Group 11. Welcome to the SuSanA team! We are looking forward to your contributions.

WG11 - Groundwater protection, Karen Villholth (IWMI).
New in the Library!
SuSanA welcomes new partners!
We are happy to see SuSanA grow! Since the last News Mail, four new partners joined the network, summing up to 340 partner organizations.
Our handpicked list of Forum threads
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The secretariat of the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance is located at:
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Dag-Hammarskjöld-Weg 1-5
65760 Eschborn, Germany

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  • 02-09-2024Dr. Nasser Tuqan,Elise Mann :
    Bridging Borders: The Role of Climate-Resilient Sanitation in Global Peace and Sustainability »
  • 22-07-2024Andy Narracott:
    Breaking the Myths: Common Misconceptions About Safely Managed Sanitation »
  • 05-07-2024Lourdes Valenzuela:
    Brasilia June 2024: SIRWASH Dialogues: Public Policies for Economic Accessibility to Rural Water and Sanitation Services in the Context of Latin American and Caribbean Countries »
  • 11-06-2024 Ann Thomas:
    Nature Calls – why sanitation is the logical starting point for fighting climate change »
  • 07-05-2024Jeremy Kohlitz,Kaiea Ribanataake Awira,Ngaouea Neemia:
    Can Kiritimati become a model circular economy society? Water and sanitation as potential entry points »
  • 26-03-2024Alice Brandt ,Mascha Kaddori:
    Let’s get wild: Water, sanitation and hygiene at the human-wildlife interface »
  • 21-03-2024Tabeer Riaz:
    Empowering Young Women Water Professionals in South Asia: Leading the Wave of Change »

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Shit flow diagrams, excreta flow diagrams (310 SFDs worldwide)

Shit flow diagrams (SFDs) help to visualize excreta management in urban settings. Access SFDs and more through the SFD Portal.

Emersan eCompendium

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