About the Training Modules
Training Modules on decentralsid sanitation, septage and waste water have been developed, tested and delivered by SCBP during 2016-17, during training of government officials from UP, Rajasthan, MP, Telengana, Bihar, Karnataka, West Bengal, Jharkhand and Chattisgarh. These Modules have also been used in Training of Trainers(ToTs) of Amrut Nodal Agencies, Academia, Students, NGOs and Private Sector.
Modules are in 3 Parts : A Trainers Guide including a Narrative, a Presentation and Reference material.
Rajasthan ODF and ODF + Training Module
Rajasthan specific FSSM Training Module. Has training content as well as a compilation of all the Rajasthan specific research, publications, posters and advocacy material developed by SCBP. Also includes material in Hindi. The module is useful for middle and junior level staff of state government and Urban Local Body officials. The module borrows from the work done in Maharashtra on their ODF and ODF Plus Guidelines Framework of 2016, and shows how to approach and plan for Open Defecation Free to addressing Septage and Grey Water treatment.
NIUA (2018). Faecal Sludge and Septage Management An Orientation Module for Rajashtan (Part A: Presentation Slides) National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA), New Delhi, India
EnglishTrainer manuals (adult learning)
Published in: 2018
Pages: 92
National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA), New Delhi, India
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National Institute of Urban Affairs
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