This guideline is a ready reckoner for Urban Local Bodies of Gujarat to achieve Open Defecation Free cities/towns. The document has been prepared based on the National guidelines of Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban).
The document highlights strategies for achieving OD free settlements include but are not limited to:
1. Ensuring adequacy of toilets –individual and public toilets and Effective operations
and maintenance of public toilets
2. Ensure regulatory frameworks and public health bye-laws
3. To effect behaviour change regarding health and hygiene and generate awareness
and build capacity of respective departments.
4. Creation of an enabling environment to encourage participation of private sector
Government of Gujarat (2015). Guidelines for Open Defecation Free Gujarat MGSM, Government of Gujarat, India - UMC Technical Support Partner, Mahatma Gandhi Swachhta Mission, Urban Development and Urban Housing Department, India
Urban (entire city)Urban informal settlements (slums)Politicians and local decision makersPractitionersGuidelines and manualsEnglish
Published in: 2015
Pages: 83
MGSM, Government of Gujarat, India - UMC Technical Support Partner, Mahatma Gandhi Swachhta Mission, Urban Development and Urban Housing Department, India
Government of Gujarat
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