Published in: 2022
Pages: 29
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Since its foundation in 2007, SuSanA has grown to become a very large, and at times influential, network of organisations and individuals on sustainable sanitation. Its growth has contributed to challenges related to its model of structure, governance and operations, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation commissioned a consultancy in 2018 to consider how SuSanA could re-shape for a new era in its development.
The Change Management Task Force (CMTF) has gone through an initialisation phase of its work, begun work with consultants and worked through a concept phase. It has now engaged in consultations with the Secretariat, several focus groups of key informants, and the Core Group of SuSanA to take forward decisions about the shape and direction of SuSanA 2.0. Before the consultants began their assignment, the CMTF had already done work on the Vision and Purpose of SuSanA 2.0.
The focus of this paper is the membership structure, governance structure and key operational structures for SuSanA 2.0. The paper does not elaborate the Vision and Purpose into strategic directions but is based on the belief that these structures would enable and facilitate any key strategic directions chosen by future decision makers.
CMTF (2022). Concept Paper SuSanA 2.0. SuSanA
English Publications by SuSanA
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