Published in: 2017
Pages: 56
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WHO recognizes that effective, integrated and coordinated communication is integral to carrying out WHO’s goal to build a better, healthier future for people all over the world. The purpose of this Framework is to describe a strategic approach for effectively communicating WHO information, advice and guidance across a broad range of health issues: from chronic health issues to emerging and novel risks. WHO has made a significant investment to meet the growing need for information, advice and guidance, from increasing capacity to improved integration of available communication channels including media relations, social and online communications, branding, visual communications, and health and emergency risk communications. WHO needs all employees to understand and
use communications effectively to achieve programmatic goals. This strategic approach is presented as a framework of principles for effective practice that apply to a broad range of communications functions. It reflects inputs and review by WHO communicators across WHO’s country, regional and headquarters offices. Tactics are included to develop communication products and activities that apply the principles. If these tactics and
resources are used, communication at all levels of the Organization can be improved. The Framework is not designed as a communications strategy for particular diseases, specific health observances, or geographic regions. Instead, the principles and tactics can be used as resources to develop specific strategies to include communications that are more actionable, accessible, relevant, timely, understandable, and credible. It is a resource and reference designed for continuous updates as advised by all WHO staff involved in communications.
WHO (2017). WHO Strategic Communications Framework for Effective Communications. WHO
English Guidelines and manuals
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