Published in: 2008
ttz Bremerhaven. Water, Energy and Landscape Management, Bremerhaven, Germany
Barreto Dillon, L., Buzie, C.
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The NETSSAF consortium has carried out a set of activities laid down in its work plan, including the development of a NETSSAF Participatory Planning Approach - A tutorial and complementary guideline for sustainable sanitation planning.
The tutorial for sustainable sanitation planning is a ready source of information for decision makers and individuals involved in setting up municipal wastewater systems and concepts for management of excreta in communities in West Africa. The guide, offered as CD-Rom and paper based, illustrates a participatory approach to sanitation planning, dealing with the complex stakeholders concerns when deciding and implementing a sanitation system. It takes the user through a seven-stepsapproach for participatory planning of sanitation, each of them with preselected questions and answers, case studies, links for further information and tools to facilitate the adoption of participatory sanitation planning in localities in West Africa.
NETSSAF "Network for the development of Sustainable Approaches for large scale implementation of Sanitation in Africa" is a Coordination Action sponsored by the European Commission aiming at creation of synergies to support large-scale implementation of sustainable sanitation systems in peri-urban.
Presentation at the NETSSAF final conference, Ouagadougou September 24th-27th 2008. See also Netssaf Deliverable D46
Barreto Dillon, L., Buzie, C. (2008). Introduction to the NETSSAF participatory planning approach - A tutorial and guideline for sustainable sanitation planning. ttz Bremerhaven. Water, Energy and Landscape Management, Bremerhaven, Germany
English Guidelines and manuals Peri-urban Presentations Sub-Saharan Africa
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