Service Offer: Toilets Making the Grade® – A School Competition for Self-driven Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Improvements Sanitation for Millions, German Toilet Organisation (2024)

This service offer contributes to the achievement of multiple Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 6.2 (equitable sanitation), SDG 3 (good health), SDG 4 (quality education), and SDG 5 (gender equality).

The Toilets Making the Grade® (TMG) competition helps schools to address sanitation and hygiene challenges through self-assessment, guiding them to meet global and national standards like the 3-star approach. In a playful way, students and other school actors form teams to develop and implement their own solutions. By involving local and national governments, TMG fosters a Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) systems approach, enhancing awareness and skills. The competition provides new insights to implementers and government staff, improving WASH investments in schools. It has high potential for strong publicity outcomes on WASH in schools. Originally developed in Germany, TMG has been adapted internationally and is implemented jointly with the German Toilet Organization (GTO).

Bibliographic information

Sanitation for Millions, German Toilet Organisation (2024). Service Offer: Toilets Making the Grade® – A School Competition for Self-driven Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Improvements Sanitation for Millions, German Toilet Organisation

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Service Offer Toilets Making the Grade

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Service Offer: Toilets Making the Grade® – A School Competition for Self-driven Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Improvements

Published in: 2024

Sanitation for Millions, German Toilet Organisation

Sanitation for Millions, German Toilet Organisation

Uploaded by:
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

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