Shaarada Municipality is situated in Salyan District of Karnali Province in the western region of Nepal. It is divided into 15 wards and covers an area of 198.34 sq. km. It was officially established on May 16, 2014
As per the national population and housing census conducted in 2021, Shaarada Municipality has a total population of 34,663 with 16,388 male and 18,275 female population. It has altogether 8,898 households (National Statistics Office, 2023). The annual population growth rate of Shaarada Municipality is 0.28% (Shaarada Municipality, 2023).
Overall, the SFD graphic shows that excreta generated from 88% of the population are safely managed while 12% of the population are unsafely managed. The safely managed FS generated from 88% of population is temporary as the FS has not been emptied. With the current practice of faecal sludge management (FSM), the proportion of safely managed FS will become unsafely managed once the containments start filling up.
ENPHO (2024). SFD (level 2) Report - Shaarada Municipality, Nepal ENPHO
Politicians and local decision makersPractitionersEnglishSFD Report