Biogas Support Program - Nepal (BSP-Nepal) Activity 2 Clean Development Mechanism Simplified Project Design Document for Small-Scale Project Activities UNFCCC (2005)

Under the proposed project activity, the Alternative Energy Promotion Center aims to sell biogas digesters (biogas plants) to households located primarily in the rural areas of Nepal. The project activity will reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by displacing conventionally used fuel sources for cooking, such as fuel wood and kerosene. Although the proposed activity additionally reduce CH4 and N2O emission reductions by introducing a proper disposal of animal waste and by producing a bio-slurry for replacing the household consumption of chemical fertilisers, these emission reductions are not counted for credits. The proposed project activity is a sub-project of the BSP-Nepal umbrella biogas program that aims to install a total of 200,000 small biogas digesters all over Nepal. Since it is the second sub-activity of the umbrella biogas program, the sub-project is named BSP-Nepal Activity-2. The umbrella biogas program is the fourth phase of the Nepali government’s biogas program at the national level. Under the first three phases, a total of 111,395 biogas plants have been disseminated all over Nepal.

Bibliographic information

UNFCCC (2005). Biogas Support Program - Nepal (BSP-Nepal) Activity 2 Clean Development Mechanism Simplified Project Design Document for Small-Scale Project Activities UNFCCC

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GovernanceStrategy/Policy paperRenewable energies and climate change (WG3)Biogas systems English


Biogas Support Program - Nepal (BSP-Nepal) Activity 2

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Biogas Support Program - Nepal (BSP-Nepal) Activity 2

Published in: 2005
Pages: 0



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