In 2020 UNICEF Nepal’s implementing partner COSDER, Gorkha observed that Madarhawa village (480 inhabitants and 1 school), Nepal (located 60km northwest of Lumbini) was without improved WASH infrastructure and that its inhabitants were not observing improved sanitary and hygiene practices. COSDER, Gorkha decided to act and trained the children of Madarhawa on WASH related issues and solutions. In return they spurred the repair and reconstruction of WASH facilities across the town. Without any subsidization, motivated by the children, 72 households improved their access to sanitation and safe water; exhibited improved WASH practices; began testing water quality; established a sustainable operation strategy; and signed a sustainability compact agreement with local governments, all pre-conditions to the declaration as a Water Safe Community. Thanks to leadership by local children, Madarhawa was officially recognized by authorities as a Water Safe Community on 3 January 2021.
Dhakal, S.B. (2021). Children Lead the Way to Safe Water and Improved Sanitation in Madarhawa, Nepal UNICEF
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Size: 0.53 MB
Published in: 2021
Pages: 4
Dhakal, S.B.
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Internationales Biogas und Bioenergie Kompetenzzentrum