Sakhipur is a town of Sakhipur Upazila, tangail, Bangladesh. The city is recognised as a Municipality and consists of 9 wards. The number of households in Sakhipur Municipality is 7,473 and the total population of the Municipality is 30,028, with a density of 1,100 persons per The literacy rate is 57.6% (BBS, 2011).
This city faces the challenges of a poor and insufficient waste management system. The city does not have a dedicated sewerage system. The whole city relies on onsite sanitation systems like pit latrines and septic tanks. Forty three percent (43%) of the excreta flow is classified as safely managed, and the remaining fifty seven (57%) percent is classified as unsafely managed.
Al-Muyeed, A., Nath, S. K., Basar, Md. S. (2018). SFD Report - Sakhipur, Bangladesh SFD Promotion Initiative WaterAid, Dhaka, Bangladesh
EnglishSFD Report