Katihar, the district headquarters of Katihar District, is located in the state of Bihar, India. The population of Katihar city is 240,838 with a population density of 9,437 persons per sq.km (Data from 2011). During the post-independence period, commerce showed a phenomenal increase with the associated small scale industrial development, which resulted in the increase of city population.
72 % of the population relies on Onsite Sanitation Systems and it was estimated that 28% of the city still practices open defecation. There is no treatment facility for WW and Faecal Sludge (FS). WW from 15 wards conveyed via major storm water drains ends up in low lying areas. FS collected is discharged in solid waste dump yard in outskirts of the city. From the SFD it can be extracted that 100 % of the excreta is managed unsafely.
Rohilla, S.K., Luthra, B., Padhi, S.K., Yadav, A. (2017). SFD Report - Katihar, India SFD Promotion Initiative Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), New Delhi, India
EnglishSFD Report