Tirupati is situated in Chittoor district in the southern of the state of Andhra Pradesh with a total population of just under 375,000. The town is a pilgrimage center and attracts a total diurnal floating population of about 55,000. During religious festivals the diurnal floating population exceeds 100,000. In Tirupati it was estimated that 70% of excreta is managed safely while 30% of the excreta ends up directly in the environment without adequate treatment.
This Shit Flow Diagram (SFD) Report was created through desk-based research by GIZ as part of the SFD Promotion Initiative.
Date of production: 16/01/2016
Last update: 13/04/2016
Roeder, L. (2016). SFD Report (draft) - Tirupati, India SFD Promotion Initiative Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
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