Sanitation and Stunting in India Undernutrition’s Blind Spot Chambers R, von Medeazza G (2013)

The puzzle of persistent undernutrition in India is largely explained by open defecation, population density, and lack of sanitation and hygiene. The impact on nutrition of many faecally-transmitted infections, not just the diarrhoeas, has been a blind spot. In hygienic conditions much of the undernutrition inIndia would disappear.

Bibliographic information

Chambers R, von Medeazza G (2013). Sanitation and Stunting in India Undernutrition’s Blind Spot Economic & Political Weekly

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WASH and nutrition (WG12)SchoolsPractitionersEnglish


Sanitation and Stunting in India

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Sanitation and Stunting in India

Published in: 2013
Pages: 15

Economic & Political Weekly

Chambers R, von Medeazza G

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