Health and Environmental Education Campaigns in Bolivia Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Agua de Bolivia, GIZ (2014)

The GIZ developed actions to improve the quality of water and sanitation services in Bolivia through the implementation of the Cooperation programme for water and sanitation in small and medium cities (Programa de agua potable y alcantarillado sanitario en pequeñas y medianas ciudades - PROAPAC). The programme was mainly focused on the regions of Chaco and North of Potosí and supported operators in the consolidation of water and sanitation services, as well as in the sensitization on the importance of the project for social organisations at the local level. To implement the educational process, PROAPAC assumed that health and environmental education is a process that involves information, reflection and assimilation of new healthy ways of living through a change of habits. It intended to mobilise children, teachers, parents and authorities to incorporate good hygiene practices and raise awareness of the efficient use of water and the shared responsibility to preserve the environment. During the 1990s the Vice-Ministry of Basic Sanitation had developed a story called “Mariquita la Cochinita” (Mariquita the Filthy) that was not widespread. This story served as a basis to create the materials for the programme, especially for the conception of further stories to sensitise and train children on different topics such as hygiene, rubbish disposal, gender, environment, toilet care, and hand-washing among others, using the literary genre of the story as the main instrument to reach children through a simple and understandable language that at the same time allows family to gather to read and learn. Teachers, key actors for the education of future generations, were also trained and given support and reference material. A range of campaign materials are available here.

Bibliographic information

Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Agua de Bolivia, GIZ (2014). Health and Environmental Education Campaigns in Bolivia Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Agua de Bolivia, GIZ

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Edcuation campaigns in Bolivia (2001-2012)

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El cuento de Mariquita y el cuidado de los baños

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Juan bota todo

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Historieta Mariquita y el cambio climatico

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Aprendiendo a cuidar nuestros sistemas de agua y alcantarillado

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Material educativo de apoyo para maestros personal de salud y saneamiento basico

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Que debemos saber acerca del agua potable

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Que debemos saber acerca del alcantarillado

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Material informativo para jovenes facilitadores

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Hojas de trabajo para niños y niñas

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Manual Programa centinela de la madre tierra

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Guia de Educatión Sanitaria y Ambiental

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10 reglas para usar racionalmente el agua

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10 sugerencias para el buen uso de baños ecologicos

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Gestión comunitaria del agua y saneamiento ambiental

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Mariquita la cochinita

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Health and Environmental Education Campaigns in Bolivia

Published in: 2014
Pages: 4

Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Agua de Bolivia, GIZ

Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Agua de Bolivia, GIZ

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Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

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