Schlussbericht SANItärRecycling ESCHborn (SANIRESCH) (in German) Final report SANItaryRecycling ESCHborn (SANIRESCH) Winker, M., Rieck, C. (2013)

The project SANIRESCH investigated and demonstrated the implementation of a urine diversion system in an office building. The project showed that the technical realisation with today’s state of the art technology is possible. With regarding to the NoMix toilets as well as MAP (Magnesium-Ammonium-Phosphat) precipitation further technical developments are necessary. The products received, urine, MAP and service water, are hygienically non-hazardous and fulfill the agricultural requirements for fertilisation. The user acceptance of such systems in a building is granted, apart from the NoMix toilets. Surveys among farmers and consumers show a positive attitude concerning the usage of these fertilisers even for food production. The international adaptability for the membrane bioreactors is granted. Also the economic feasibility of such systems can be reached today under certain, favouring, conditions. The MAP precipitation has to be excluded from both aspects, as here further development is required.

Bibliographic information

Winker, M., Rieck, C. (2013). Schlussbericht SANItärRecycling ESCHborn (SANIRESCH) (in German) Final report SANItaryRecycling ESCHborn (SANIRESCH) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Eschborn, Germany

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OtherGreywater or wastewaterUrineUrban (entire city)German


Schlussbericht SANItärRecycling ESCHborn (SANIRESCH) (in German)

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Schlussbericht SANItärRecycling ESCHborn (SANIRESCH) (in German)

Published in: 2013
Pages: 0

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Eschborn, Germany

Winker, M., Rieck, C.

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Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

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