Report on the status of the EcoSan Promotion Project facilities built on a household level Mbalo, D., Brand, K. (2012)

The report presents the results of an ex-post evaluation of a sanitation project in rural Kenya. The evaluation visited 53 EcoSan facilities on a household level in June 2012, two years after the project conclusion. The UDDTs were constructed as part of the EcoSan Promotion Project (EPP), project component of the GIZ Water Sector Reform Program in Kenya. It was co-funded by the European Union, SIDA and GIZ, with close partnership with the Ministry of Water and Irrigation (Maji House). The visits took place in the clusters of Homabay, Kisumu, Chwele, Ugenya, Mumias, Siaya, Ugunja, Semenya and Ukwala. The report highlights the positive outcomes as well as the challenges. Conclusions: There is a need to upscale ecological sanitation facilities in rural areas due to the benefits reported above. In the areas where appropriate sensitisation and community mobilisation took place, there were no problems of misuse and acceptance. All the beneficiaries acknowledged that human excreta was a resource and was used for increasing their crop yields. They also informed us of the economical benefits of not having to buy fertiliser anymore and being able to spend this money on other purposes such as school fees. The problems were therefore primarily technical i.e. blockage of the urine pipe and wooden frames/doors of the dehydration chambers were eaten by termites. We saw very good technical and social results in areas where community mobilisation and sensitisation was carried out by Wycliffe Osumba and Moses Wakala (both former GIZ EPP employees). Moses and Wycliffe are popular in the areas that they worked in and are still accessible to the beneficiaries who received the household facilities. In addition, in an attempt to upscale EcoSan facilities in the area, Moses opened an EcoSan shop selling sanitary ware and EcoSan components and has since then constructed further facilities. Moses has personally constructed a further 10 household facilities and facilities in 5 schools. He has also sold 40 squatting pans to date.

Bibliographic information

Mbalo, D., Brand, K. (2012). Report on the status of the EcoSan Promotion Project facilities built on a household level Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Kenya

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Urine diversion dehydration toilets (UDDTs) RuralPractitionersEnglish


Report on the status of the EcoSan Promotion Project facilities built on a household level

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Report on the status of the EcoSan Promotion Project facilities built on a household level

Published in: 2012
Pages: 0

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Kenya

Mbalo, D., Brand, K.

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Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

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