Check-list for improved effectiveness in the water and sanitation sector in sub-Saharan Africa BMZ (2012)

In Africa, Germany is one of the largest bilateral donors in the water and sanitation sector, with a current portfolio of more than € 1.2 billion. At the same time, Africa is the priority region for German development cooperation in the water sector, accounting for more than 50% of the respective budget. The check-list is geared towards the focus area of German engagement, which is access to water and sanitation and water sector reform. However, German development cooperation also plays an important role in the area of regional and national water resource management. The BMZ has made a commitment to realise better access to drinking water for a total of 25 million people in sub-Saharan Africa by 2015, and to achieve improved access to (basic) sanitation for 5 million people within the same parameters. The focus is on urban and peri-urban areas. This check-list encourages important changes in sub-Saharan Africa that will also contribute to the realisation of the human right to water and sanitation, and to the achievement of the MDGs. Potential to increase effectiveness is seen in particular with regard to poverty orientation, making greater use of basic sustainable systems and strengthening the focus on sanitation. Eight criteria are used to show how increased effectiveness can be achieved. The aim for the future is to bring water and sanitation to even more people with the same amount of funding. The criteria are to be used for the implementation of programmes by the German implementing organisations (KfW, GIZ and BGR). In order to increase effectiveness, the following eight criteria for enhanced effectiveness have been established: 1. Focus on pro-poor 2. Poor people as the target group 3. Focus on (peri-)urban areas 4. Pro-poor water and sewerage tariffs 5. Focus on sanitation 6. Focus on health impacts 7. Focus on basic systems 8. Low investment costs Kindly find the German version of the check-list here:

Bibliographic information

BMZ (2012). Check-list for improved effectiveness in the water and sanitation sector in sub-Saharan Africa Federal Ministry für Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Germany

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Urban (entire city)Guidelines and manualsEnglish


Check-list for improved effectivness in the water and sanitatin sector in sub-Saharan Africa

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Check-list for improved effectiveness in the water and sanitation sector in sub-Saharan Africa

Published in: 2012
Pages: 0

Federal Ministry für Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Germany


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Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

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