LOMWATS - an attempt to treat more waste waters in developing countries Sasse, L. (1995)

LOMWATS stands for low-maintenance wastewater treatment systems, a project BORDA is carrying out with Indian, Chinese and one French partners. The 3-year project, financed by the European Union and the Federal State of Bremen, is to develop technologies and dissemination strategies for LOMWATS. The project began with the question "Why is waste water from small and middle-sized sources so rarely treated, and what can be done to reduce contamination?" Without anticipating the results of the project, it is already evident today that fees for wastewater discharge play a key role in the dissemination of LOMWATS. The inflexible and often strict limits for pollutant content cannot be adhered to by small, unsupervised plants. If these limits are to be observed by new plants, a treatment system is dispensed with (even if it is a suboptimal plant) as long as the discharge of untreated wastewater is tolerated due to the lack of any acceptable alternatives. LOMWATS assumes it is more effective to build 100 plants with 30% purification than 10 plants with 90% performance.

Bibliographic information

Sasse, L. (1995). LOMWATS - an attempt to treat more waste waters in developing countries Bremen Overseas Research and Development Association (BORDA), Bremen, Germany

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LOMWATS - an attempt to treat more waste waters in developing countries

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LOMWATS - an attempt to treat more waste waters in developing countries

Published in: 1995
Pages: 0

Bremen Overseas Research and Development Association (BORDA), Bremen, Germany

Sasse, L.

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