Published in: 2011
Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA)
Fogde, M., Macario, L., Porsani, J.
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The project aimed at providing safe water supply and sanitation to the population resettled – after floods – in the less flood-prone Guara-Guara region in the Sofala Province in Mozambique. Fulfilling these objectives in an area characterised by high groundwater tables required a toilet technology that does not contaminate the groundwater, and thus does not threaten public health (unlike pit latrines).
PAARSS, a local institution, initiated the activities in the Sofala province in 1999. It was conceived as part of the existing decentralised cooperation between the provincial government in Sofala and the Austrian Federal Government through the Austrian Development Cooperation. The programme aimed at improving the livelihood of rural poor through access to sustainable water points and basic sanitation infrastructure in rural areas. In this context, PAARSS conducted pilot projects that introduced ecosan technologies in Dongo and in Madjimane, Beira.
Fogde, M., Macario, L., Porsani, J. (2011). UDDTs in flood-response project, Guara-Guara, Sofala province, Mozambique - Case study of sustainable sanitation projects. Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA)
Case studies in SuSanA template English Rural Sub-Saharan Africa Urine diversion dehydration toilets (UDDTs)
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